Category: Presence and Peace
Peace, Love, and Resonance
If you want to watch the video, click here. Understanding the Messages of Meditation In the practice of going within, seekers often question whether the messages they perceive are whispers of wisdom arising from their subconscious minds or a higher, Divine Source. Hello, I’m David Lowry for Presence and Peace. So, how can we be…
Transcending the 3-D World: Awakening to the Divine Presence
Winning in this 3-D world keeps us here. The more we win, the more enmeshed we become to a perfectly rigged system designed to more tightly hold us in place. You cannot beat this system–but you can transcend it.
The Presence – Seeker of Experiences
If you’d rather watch the video, click here. Introduction As I held a newborn baby not long ago, I had this thought. We arrive on Earth and become immersed in the human experience. We adopt a human identity, complete with a human mind, then we begin losing sight of our true nature – The Presence,…
Presence – The Hidden Driver
If you’d like to watch the video, click here. The Presence is Running the Show Most people go through life without truly understanding who or what is guiding their journey. If you ask, they might say, “I am,” or “My job, my spouse, my children, my commitments.” While these answers reflect daily reality, they don’t…
Conscious Mind, Subconscious Forces, and the Divine Spark
Discover the true purpose of The Presence and its role in guiding your life’s journey. Learn how this divine force offers wisdom and opportunities for growth beyond material wealth and success. Embrace the deeper lessons of life with Presence and Peace, and find inner fulfillment and transformation
Is The Presence Powerful Enough to Make You Rich?
Can The Presence make you rich? Learn how this divine force offers wisdom and opportunities for growth, beyond material wealth and success.
Learning to Recognize and Trust Your Presence
The Presence – an inner intelligence that shapes your life experiences and personal growth isn’t external but exists within you. Connect with it through simple awareness and an open heart.
Are You on the Right Path?
click here if you’d like to watch the video instead Are You on the Right Path? One of the most common questions seekers ask is, “Am I on the right path?” Whether about faith, careers, relationships, or purpose, people want reassurance. I think we’ve asked myself this countless times: Should I be a Christian, a…
Ultimate Reality vs. Our Experienced Reality
Click here to watch the video. Introduction Hello, I’m David Lowry for Presence and Peace. I’d like to welcome to this YouTube short on Ultimate Reality versus Experienced Reality. In these short videos we discuss the importance of awakening to The Presence within. The Presence is the unique spark of the Divine that is our…