Category: T3

  • Transcending the 3-D World: Awakening to the Divine Presence

    Transcending the 3-D World: Awakening to the Divine Presence

    Winning in this 3-D world keeps us here.  The more we win, the more enmeshed we become to a perfectly rigged system designed to more tightly hold us in place. You cannot beat this system–but you can transcend it.

  • The Soul’s Search for a Place of Its Own

    This is Jane’s new swing set. We bought this for her shortly after my son and his family bought their first home. It seemed the time had come for them to leave the small apartment they had been living in since their early marriage to buy a place of their own. There comes a time…

  • The Postscript

    “Hello Child, do you know where you are?” I was looking into the face of this most beautiful…man, woman, child—I cannot say exactly who or what it was because it was all these things. It was glorious, loving, and warm. I feel its love. I can tell this person anything. “You can call me ‘The…

  • The God I Don’t Know

    Presented at Dayspring Church 10/23 Not too long ago I was invited to a party at a friend’s house.  It was a casual affair with people who I mostly didn’t know.  I was there because I loved Cary—and most of the people were her friends at UCO.  Before long one of the people, who learned…

  • Freedom and the Good Place

    Presented at Dayspring Church 10/23 Have you ever noticed how people use the term, “Good Place?”  They say, “She’s not in a very good place right now.”  Or, “The last time you saw me I wasn’t in a very good place.”  Or more positively, “I’m in a pretty good place right now.  But what does…

  • The Good Place

    Presented at Dayspring Church 10/23 Let’s begin this service with a confession, shall we?  Cary and I have a new guilty pleasure—we like a new television comedy show entitled The Good Place.  Okay, another confession, I really like the show—Cary not as much—but she loves me and watches it with me because I like it…

  • Air Brushed Christ

    Jesus is our savior not because he was superman but because in the midst of being human he knew how to remain connected to God. One of the goals of a Christian is to be changed into the likeness of Jesus Christ.  On my desk I have a copy of Thomas a Kempis “Imitation of…

  • The Hard Goodbye

    There is so much more to life than what we see. Even when it appears we are making a hard goodbye–nothing is really happening. As a mystic, I walk between the nonphysical and physical worlds–constantly receiving information from both even though I don’t always understand what it may mean. So it was with the passing…

  • Surrender

    When Ego asks, “How long is this situation going to go on,” Surrender says, “It goes on until it doesn’t.” Right now my mom is in hospice.  This is the result of a massive stoke that has greatly incapacitated her.  No ability to move the right side, no ability to talk, limited ability to stay…

  • Havens of Spiritual Understanding & Meaning Pt. 2

    I have come to believe that most people have, what I call, a spiritual haven–a go to place of refuge and comfort that works for them. It is where they find connection with something greater than themselves. I have identified nine unique havens that I believe are convenient little pigeon holes in which we may…