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Are You on the Right Path?
One of the most common questions seekers ask is, “Am I on the right path?” Whether about faith, careers, relationships, or purpose, people want reassurance. I think we’ve asked myself this countless times: Should I be a Christian, a Buddhist, an atheist? Which path is right?
Hello, I’m David Lowry. Welcome to Presence and Peace. These days, I find the question almost amusing. Why? Because there’s no way you can’t be on the right path. Your journey is uniquely yours, designed for your growth.
Embracing Your Path
It’s easy to doubt this when life feels overwhelming. You might think, “No, this can’t be right. My life is too chaotic, too broken.” But here’s the truth: you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be.
Navigating Challenges
Yes, your path may be difficult, even unbearable at times. But challenges don’t mean you’re on the wrong path. The real question isn’t if you’re on the right path—it’s how you navigate it. Are you facing obstacles with strength and dignity, or are you running away and giving up?
The Secret to Growth
Here’s the secret: You get the lesson until you get the lesson. The same challenges will appear until you address them. That’s why the path feels hard—it’s meant to push you toward growth.
Courage in Uncertainty
If your path feels uncertain or even insane, that’s a good sign. You didn’t choose an easy, downhill route. You chose one that requires courage. So, if you’re questioning your choices, take heart. Struggles don’t mean you’re off course—they mean you’re exactly where you need to be.
Redefining Success
But why does it feel so hard? We often equate the “right path” with success or ease, but growth doesn’t work that way. Think of it like learning a new skill—it takes practice, intention, and discipline. More importantly, it requires connecting to something deeper: your presence.
Connecting to Your Presence
Your presence is the essence of who you are—beyond your mind, body, or circumstances. It’s the part of you connected to something greater. It’s a unique piece of the divine guiding your journey. When it unites with your conscious awareness, you have resources you’ve never had before.
Practical Steps to Connect
Connecting to this presence is simpler than you think. Pause for a few minutes, breathe deeply, close your eyes, and ask honest questions. Listen for inspiration. Keep a notebook handy—you might be surprised by the emerging clarity.
Leaning into Challenges
If your path feels overwhelming, remember: you’re not alone. You have an inner wellspring of wisdom. Ask for help, lean into the challenges, and trust that you’re exactly where you need to be. The path may not get easier, but with presence as your guide, you’ll walk it with purpose and grace.
This is David Lowry for Presence and Peace. Thank you for listening, and please know that I wish you all good things.
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