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Hello, I’m David Lowry for Presence and Peace. I’d like to welcome to this YouTube short on Ultimate Reality versus Experienced Reality. In these short videos we discuss the importance of awakening to The Presence within.
The Presence is the unique spark of the Divine that is our true nature and true self. Until our conscious awareness awakens to the fact of who we are, we tend to perceive the illusion of this world in ways that bring pain to ourselves and others. Knowledge of the Presence helps clarify why we are here and what our true purpose is in life.
So, let’s look at five profound differences between we perceive reality versus Ultimate Reality.
Example 1: Interconnection vs. Separation
In Ultimate Reality, all things are interconnected in a unified whole. Everything in the universe is intricately linked, forming a vast web of existence. Simply stated, you are all things, and all things are you.
However, in our experience of reality, we perceive things as separate objects, distinct from ourselves. This illusion of separation blinds us to the profound interconnection that exists between all beings and the importance of this interconnection in our lives.
Example 2: The Nature of Time
In Ultimate Reality, time is an illusion. There is only the present moment. Past, present, and future coexist simultaneously in a timeless expanse. However, in our experience of reality, time appears linear. We perceive a clear progression from past to present to future, which dictates our actions and decisions. The truth is, we exist in a stream which I call the eternal now.
Example 3: The Illusion of the Self
In Ultimate Reality, the concept of a separate self is an illusion. There is no individual “I” or “you”; instead, there is a single, unified consciousness that pervades all existence. In our reality, we identify strongly with our individual selves, believing we are distinct from others. You are no more separate from others than waves are separate from the sea. We are all one.
Example 4: The Material World
In Ultimate Reality, the material world is a manifestation of energy and consciousness. Physical objects are not solid and distinct but are instead vibrations of energy within a field of consciousness. In our experience of reality, we perceive the material world as concrete and unchanging. This perception limits our understanding of the fluid and dynamic nature of existence. Just like water can exist as vapor, ice, or liquid; so, you too can exist in many different states as well.
Example 5: The Nature of Knowledge
In Ultimate Reality, knowledge is not acquired but remembered. All wisdom and understanding exist within us, and the process of learning is one of uncovering what we already know. In our experience of reality, knowledge is something to be gained through external sources and education. This belief in external knowledge acquisition obscures the inner wisdom that resides within each of us. When we discover the Presence, we learn there is a universe of knowledge and wisdom residing within—awaiting our discovery.
I hope you found this video interesting. I’m David Lowry for Presence and Peace. Thank you for watching. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more information about the Presence in your life.
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