Discovering Your Two Homes_ Earth and Beyond

Discovering Your Two Homes: Earth and Beyond 

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Hello, I’m David Lowry, and welcome to Presence and Peace

Two Bodies, Two Homes 

Did you know you have two bodies and two homes? 
One of your bodies is physical—the one you see in the mirror daily. The other is a nonphysical celestial Presence, often called your essence or spirit. This Presence uses your physical body as a host while you live on Earth. 

And while you may think of Earth as home, your true home exists beyond this world, in a place often referred to as heaven—though it may not be exactly as you imagine. 

Awakening to Your True Self 

In your current state, your physical awareness must awaken before you can fully perceive this nonphysical self. I like to call it The Presence because it represents your true, timeless nature. Your Presence existed before you arrived on Earth and will continue long after you leave your physical body, unchanged by your earthly experiences. 

A Choice to Journey 

Before you came here, you made a choice, in your true home, to visit Earth for growth and learning. Much like planning a journey to a distant land, you prepared for the experiences that would strengthen and enrich your soul. 

The Experience of Culture Shock 

This reminds me of a trip I once took to Japan. When I stepped off the plane, I knew I was in a completely different world. The language, customs, food, and architecture were all unfamiliar. Everything felt fresh, exciting, and a little overwhelming. To truly enjoy and appreciate my time there, I had to fully immerse myself in the experience instead of constantly comparing it to life back home. 

The Presence on Earth 

In a similar way, your Presence—the true essence of who you are—experiences a kind of culture shock when it arrives on Earth. However, unlike my trip, your Presence is limited by a veil that filters out much of the knowledge of its true home. This helps you focus on learning and growing without the distractions of remembering too much. 

Just as my journey to Japan was filled with discovery and adventure, your Presence gains tremendous value from its time on Earth. Despite its challenges, life here offers powerful lessons that help your spirit evolve and grow. 

Embracing the Role of a Traveler 

As you become more aware of your Presence, you’ll begin to see yourself as a traveler learning the ways of a new world. There’s no need to strive to be the perfect visitor or to change the culture you’re experiencing. Instead, embrace each moment and every challenge as an opportunity to learn. These lessons are designed to strengthen your spirit, fill in the gaps of your understanding, and enrich your existence. 

Enjoy the Journey 

Most importantly, enjoy your time here. 

Like any journey, your visit to Earth is temporary. But the memories and experiences you gather will stay with your Presence forever, shaping its eternal story. 

Looking Ahead 

In future lessons, we’ll explore how to become a gracious host and a wise ambassador during your stay on Earth. 

Thank you for joining me today. This is David Lowry for Presence and Peace, and I look forward to sharing more with you soon. 


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