The Flow of Presence

The Flow of Presence

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This is Presence and Peace, and I’m David Lowry. Today, I want to talk with you about The Flow of Presence.

Have you ever gotten so lost in an activity that time seems to vanish? This is the feeling of flow. It can happen while becoming involved with a great movie or book (flow of imagination), becoming absorbed in a problem (flow of the mind), or being caught up in a strong emotional state, such as when we first fall in love with someone. We can also experience flow through physical activities such as yoga, karate, sports, or even sex. People everywhere seek these flow states because they are highly pleasurable. We enjoy those times of complete absorption in what we are doing that almost everything seems to fall away. But there’s another kind of flow most people miss: the flow of Presence.

Presence Explained

As we’ve said before, Presence is the spark of the divine within you. It’s the real you that exists beyond the ego, thoughts, and emotions. You are here because the Presence has a mission and purpose it wishes to carry out while you, IT, and your body coexist on Earth.

Entering the Flow

Most of us know how to enter ordinary flow states. We can use that knowledge to access the flow of Presence by setting aside quiet moments where we temporarily detach from emotions, reasoning, and body awareness. As we strip away these distractions, we’re left with the pure silence of Presence – a profound and beautiful experience.

Levels of Flow

Though this experience is available to all, there are various depths of the flow of Presence. Mystics might completely immerse themselves in it, while most of us experience brief moments. Regardless, these brief dips refresh us and often bring creative insights and guidance for the future.

The Gift of Flow

The flow of Presence is a gift worth exploring. It’s one of the many ways The Presence enriches our lives.


I’m David Lowry from Presence and Peace wishing you all good things on your journey to experience the flow of Presence.


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