Presence and Religion

Presence and Religion

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Hi, I’m David Lowry. Today, let’s explore the relationship between presence and religion.

The Sovereignty of Presence

First, let me put everyone at ease—or maybe stir a little discomfort, depending on your perspective. The Presence, the living essence of the All That Is, resides within each of us. But here’s the key point: it’s not tied to any religion. If anything, the Presence gave rise to religions—not the other way around.

The Presence within you is Spiritually Sovereign. It doesn’t belong to any spiritual or religious group. In fact, when the Presence becomes the driving force behind your thoughts, emotions, and actions, you might find yourself questioning many established beliefs and traditions.

Presence and Power Structures

This Spiritually Sovereign Presence can be unsettling for those in positions of power. It has a way of exposing the corruption and inhumanity that can lurk in our cultures, politics, and even our religious teachings.

History is full of examples. Take the great saints and teachers of the past—their lives often clashed with the accepted norms of their time. Jesus, for instance, lived a life so full of the Presence that it brought him into direct conflict with the religious and political leaders of his day. They sought to silence him, but the Presence and its teachings cannot be extinguished. These truths re-emerge time and again, bringing peace and inspiration to those who are ready to hear them.

Living in Alignment with the Presence

Even today, those deeply connected to the Presence often act in ways that challenge societal norms. This isn’t easy. The Presence calls for courage—to listen to its guidance and to live in alignment with its truths, even when they contradict conventional wisdom.

It’s important to remember that the Presence predates all religious figures. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and countless others were powerful because they lived in harmony with the Presence within them. That same Presence is available to you, whether you consider yourself religious, spiritual, or neither.

The Universal Accessibility of the Presence

The Presence will meet you wherever you are. It is the core of your being, waiting to share its wisdom with anyone who seeks it. For all of you wishing to connect with the Presence and embrace a life of Spiritually Sovereign, I wish you all good things.


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