Presences as a pathway to purpose

Presence as A Pathway to Purpose

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The Teacher’s Prayer

A long time ago, a wise teacher, sensing his time on Earth was nearing its end, offered a profound prayer for his students. He said, “Just as you sent me into the world, I send them into the world. I don’t ask that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from harm.”

The Presence Within

Hello, I’m David Lowry, and this is my presence and peace.

This teacher’s sincere prayer speaks to the very core of our being. Deep within each of us resides The Presence, a spark of Divine wisdom and love, which is our true self, our essence. Everything in your life to this point, including your challenges, was to lead you to connect with this inner wisdom, understand its power, and live in harmony with its guidance.

Our Purpose

We are not merely passengers on this earthly journey. We are meant to be here to contribute to the greater good. Our purpose is to awaken to this truth, to recognize This Presence, this divine spark within ourselves and all beings, and to share this understanding with the world. But what is this “harm” the teacher spoke of? It’s the tendency to get caught up in the world’s distractions – the relentless pursuit of wealth, power, and fleeting pleasures. These distractions blind us to our true purpose and lead us astray from the path of love and compassion.

Living in Harmony with The Presence

Those who live in harmony with the inner guidance provided by The Presence are different. They prioritize love, compassion, and service to others. They understand that true fulfillment comes not from accumulating possessions or seeking personal gain but from connecting with something larger than themselves. This doesn’t make them superior, but it reflects a deeper understanding of life and The Presence’s desire to unite the world with the Kingdom of Heaven.

A New Perspective

When we connect with The Presence, we begin to see the world differently. We see the interconnectedness of all things – the intricate web of life that binds us together. We recognize the potential for a brighter future, a world where love, compassion, and cooperation guide our actions instead of the greed, competition, and corruption that is everywhere about us.

Awakening to Our True Nature

This Presence, our true nature, yearns to express itself. Through life’s experiences, both joyful and challenging, we gradually awaken to our deeper purpose – to live in harmony with ourselves, with others, and with the Earth. We strive to create a world where all beings are valued and respected, where compassion and understanding prevail, and where the well-being of the whole is prioritized. This is the legacy we are meant to leave behind – a world reflecting the beauty and harmony of the Divine within us all.

For Presence and Peace

For presence and peace, this is David Lowry. I wish you all good things as you connect with The Presence within and live a life of service to all.


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