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The Ideal State – Living in Flow
One of the best feelings in the world is the sense of ease and flow we experience when life seems to be going smoothly. It’s not that we never face challenges, but we know how to handle them with wisdom and grace without letting them completely disrupt our lives.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live like this every day?
The Role of Presence
Hello, I’m David Lowry for Presence and Peace.
The Presence helps us do this. The Presence is that spark of the Divine within our Soul that is our core essence. It connects us to the All That Is. Sometimes, it’s easier to maintain our connection with The Presence than at other times. One of the surest ways to lose our connection is by letting anger get the better of us.
Anger as a Barrier
Unresolved anger creates a barrier that blocks our connection to The Presence. This happens because Presence understands the interconnectedness of all things, including those people, places, and things that bother us so much that we want to feel separate and disconnected from them. This desire for connection to Presence and disconnection with our fellow humans creates a conflict within us.
The Unwavering Love of Presence
Even when we lose our conscious connection, The Presence remains committed to us and everyone, even those we dislike. It continues to love us all unconditionally, even when we tell ourselves that other people, places, and things are not worthy of love.
Reconnecting With Your Inner Spirit
But once we’ve experienced the peace, wisdom, and guidance of this wonderful Presence, we can never go back. Our immediate challenge is to find a way to remove the barrier our anger has created so we can reconnect with our inner spirit and the healing flow of life it brings.
Fortunately, we don’t have to do this alone because our inner spirit wants to reconnect as much as we do.
The Process of Reconnection
Find a quiet place where you can be alone and close your eyes. Take three deep breaths and begin to relax. Even if your anger and resentment make it feel impossible to connect with your inner spirit, start talking to it – either out loud or silently – about what’s bothering you. Tell it everything, just like you would a good friend.
Most importantly, ask what the next right step is to resolve this issue. Listen for your answer. Some people find it helpful to write or journal as they do this. But eventually, your conversation will deepen, and your inner spirit will guide you on what to do next.
Recognizing and Trusting Guidance
You’ll recognize the voice of The Presence because it will always inspire you towards love and healing. Have the courage to follow its guidance, even if you feel you’re not the one at fault and others should be the ones making things right.
Don’t get discouraged if it takes several attempts to resolve the situation. Your inner spirit often guides you in small steps until you’re ready to address all concerns involved fully.
For Presence and Peace, I’m David Lowry. Thanks for being here. I wish you all good things as you begin eliminating those barriers to your inner connection to The Presence.
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