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Hi, I’m David Lowry, and welcome to Presence and Peace. Today, I want to remind you of something profound: You are here for a reason.
Understanding The Presence
In all my videos, I explore The Presence—the Divine Awareness that connects you to everything. This presence resides within your soul as a spark of the divine, your truest self.
This divine spark chose to incarnate in your body and works with your everyday consciousness—whether you know it or not. You are both a physical and spiritual being, co-creating your life with this presence every single day.
The Path of Awakening
Awakening is the process of realizing this presence within you and seeking its wisdom and guidance. It’s about learning to align your actions with its deeper purpose. While no one can stay fully mindful of this presence all the time, even small moments of connection can transform your life.
Challenging Misconceptions About the Ego
Some teachings make this journey sound overly complicated, insisting that the ego—your sense of individuality—must be completely eliminated. They may use words like original sin or portray the ego as something shameful.
But here’s the truth: You were created with an ego and a divine spark. Your ego isn’t an enemy. It’s a necessary part of being human. The divine presence chose to work through your ego and your physical form.
The Power of Harmony
It’s not about erasing the ego but allowing it to work harmoniously with the divine. Even when someone seems disconnected from this presence, we can’t truly judge their journey. The presence works in ways we can’t always understand, teaching lessons that unfold in their own time.
When you awaken to the union of your human self and the divine presence within, something incredible happens. You unlock the power to live a transformed life. This power brings clarity, purpose, and the ability to make a positive impact on the world. It’s a ripple effect, flowing from the source, through you, and into everyone you touch.
A Call to Awaken
If you’re hearing my voice, it’s no accident. It’s time to awaken to the presence within you. Start seeking it. Strengthen your connection. Step fully into your transformed, purposeful life.
I’m David Lowry, and this is Presence and Peace. Thank you for being here.
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