Hello, I’m David Lowry, Welcome to Presence and Peace. Today, let’s discuss The Role of Presence in Hardship.
The Reality of Suffering
Suffering is an undeniable part of human life and it often becomes the most troubling question in conversations about spirituality. Many wonder why a loving God would allow the horrors we witness and experience. It’s natural to struggle with this question, especially since no answer we give is satisfying.
Like many, I have faced difficult situations and endured personal hardships. I don’t welcome suffering—whether in my life or the lives of those I care about. Yet, I’ve learned that becoming consumed by the reality of suffering, attempting to rationalize it with abstract metaphysical ideas, or resorting to spiritual bypassing is rarely helpful. Instead, we must confront suffering practically. It exists, and it doesn’t seek our consent. Suffering is a fact of life, and it seems the only thing we can do is manage how we respond to it.
Choosing How to Respond
The crucial question we must ask ourselves is how we approach these trials. Will we lean on the brute force of ego, rationality, emotion, denial, or aggression? Or will we choose a better way?
The Presence Within Us
The Presence within us represents that better way. Within each of us resides a Divine awareness, The Presence, that offers guidance through life’s trials. This Presence, though not the fullness of the Divine, is unique to each individual and can be called upon to provide strength and clarity as we navigate life’s journey.
Building a Relationship With the Presence
Building a relationship with this inner Presence prepares us for life’s inevitable highs and lows. In moments of joy, The Presence celebrates with us while reminding us of life’s cyclical nature. Good times will pass, just as difficult ones do. When we suffer, The Presence reassures us that no pain is eternal. Only The Presence itself—the core of who we truly are—is everlasting.
Understanding Through The Presence
Eventually, when we leave the material world and its limitations, The Presence will grant us a deeper understanding of our experiences and their purposes. Until then, we must trust that The Presence knows every challenge ahead. While life’s surprises often blindside us, The Presence is never caught off guard. Its role is to help us awaken our true nature so that together, we might face life’s trials with wisdom and grace.
Growth Through Failure and Success
Before we close, we want to remind you that not all experiences are meant to end in triumph. Just as a sports team learns from both victories and defeats, we grow through failure and success. If you’ve encountered failure, remember that The Presence isn’t surprised. One day, you will discover that those things that seemed like failures were, in truth, some of your greatest successes.
Seeking Answers Through The Presence
In the end, if you want to know more about the role of suffering in your life, the best answers you will find are those The Presence gives you. Find a quiet place to relax and settle your thoughts. Ask your questions and see what answers The Presence will give you.
This is David Lowry for Presence and Peace. Thank you for listening. I wish you all good things as you learn more about the role of suffering in your life.
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