The world faded to black as he sat in his easy chair, laptop perched on his knees. One moment, he was absently scrolling through social media; the next, a surge of energy erupted from his core, short-circuiting his senses. Though painless, the experience left him adrift in a sea of muffled sounds and vague sensations, barely aware of the commotion surrounding him or the hands that seemed to move his unresponsive body.

Clarity returned abruptly, and he found himself observing a surreal scene. An older man lay sprawled in a familiar chair, shirt torn open, as paramedics performed chest compressions and shone lights into his unmoving eyes. Confusion washed over him as he wondered, “Who is this man in my house, in my chair? And why is my laptop on the floor?”

The grim expressions on the young paramedics’ faces told a story of their own. With heavy hearts, they turned to a woman – his wife, he realized – and slowly shook their heads, signaling the end of their efforts.

In a moment of startling clarity, he recognized the lifeless body as his own. Yet, this realization brought only mild confusion and a surge of compassion for his grieving wife. He longed to comfort her, to say, “Don’t worry, I’m still here,” but found himself powerless to intervene in the unfolding scene.

A familiar voice cut through his thoughts. “Hey, welcome back! It’s good to see you again. You must have a thousand questions.” In an instant, the house vanished, replaced by a lush garden path. Beside him stood Joe, his best friend who had passed away two decades ago, looking as vibrant as he had in his thirties.

As they strolled along the path, the world around them pulsed with life and perfection. A nearby brook babbled a welcoming melody, while thousands of flawless flowers lined their way, each blossom radiating an aura of love and affection. The entire scene seemed infused with conscious awareness.

Strangely, none of this felt out of place. Instead, a sense of déjà vu washed over him, as if he were rediscovering a long-forgotten dream. The atmosphere was saturated with peace, love, joy, and an overwhelming sense of well-being.

“Where am I?” the man asked, his voice tinged with wonder.

Joe’s eyes twinkled as he replied, “You’re Here, of course! First, you were Here. Then you were Here-There. Now you’re Here once again.”

Noticing his friend’s confusion, Joe chuckled and elaborated, “You started in what you might think of as heaven – what we call ‘Here.’ Then you ventured to the ‘Here-There,’ a different facet of heaven expanding into the material world. Now, you’ve returned home – Here.”

As Joe spoke, fragments of memory began to resurface in the man’s mind. Though the concepts of Here and Here-There remained hazy, he sensed that understanding would come in time. For now, he was content to let the memories gradually reassert themselves.

Joe’s next question caught him off guard. “How did you like Heaven?”

“Heaven? I wasn’t in Heaven,” the man protested. “I was in the Here-There, and it was far from heavenly.”

Joe shook his head gently. “You were in Heaven, my friend. Didn’t you see the breathtaking waters, azure skies, vast oceans, majestic mountains, soaring birds, and exotic animals? Didn’t you see all the people?”

“Of course I did,” the man replied, “but that wasn’t heaven. Heaven is Here, not There!”

“That’s where you’re mistaken,” Joe said softly. “Heaven is everywhere, just as present in the Here-There as it is Here. It’s simply not as fully realized there – not yet.”

Indignation flared within the man. “I don’t understand. I witnessed terrible wars, starvation, and unimaginable cruelties. How could any of that be Heaven?”

Joe’s eyes filled with compassion. “Yes, those things exist there. But did you not also see countless acts of kindness and love? People caring for one another, working tirelessly for positive change? Did you notice those who taught meditation, helping others connect with us Here? Even now, you can hear the voices of those reaching out to us.”

As Joe spoke, the man’s mind began to awaken fully. Memories flooded back, and questions found answers almost before they could form. He recalled the profound unity between Here and Here-There, and his own desire to journey there, to help it evolve into a reflection of Here.

“Ah,” he breathed, understanding dawning. “The creator is everywhere, and I am one of many awakened extensions, striving to expand the boundaries of Here within the Here-There.”

Joe nodded, seeing the recognition in his friend’s eyes. “You’re remembering your purpose. Here, we need only wonder to receive answers. In the Here-There, our creator designed a realm where beings must learn through experience – lessons of love, compassion, service, nobility, and beauty. As more of the Here-There awakens, heaven’s boundaries expand, perfecting the knowledge our souls first acquired.”

Clarity crystallized in the man’s mind, affirmed by a greater consciousness. “I see now,” he said. “Even the Here we call Heaven was once a Here-There.”

“Exactly!” Joe exclaimed. “The infinite Here constantly flows into the Here-There, gradually transforming it into the Heaven long foreseen.”

“Creation itself – with its wondrous beauty, the plant and animal kingdoms, and the entire cosmos – represents the first wave of this magnificent expansion. Humans will eventually realize they hold the key to this transformation. For now, most see the Here-There as mere lifeless matter scattered through space. Soon, they’ll understand that, like themselves, it’s an extension of Divine consciousness, expanding the bounds of awakened awareness.”

Standing beside Joe, the man felt a profound understanding wash over him, illuminating the interconnectedness of all existence. He saw that Here and Here-There were simply different facets of a greater whole, each playing a crucial role in the grand tapestry of growth and transformation.

The struggles he had witnessed in the Here-There were not meaningless tragedies, but essential lessons in love, compassion, and resilience. Every act of kindness, he realized, brought the fullness of heaven a little closer to realization.

With newfound clarity, he embraced his purpose: to continue his work from this vantage point, bringing hope to those still navigating their earthly journey and bridging the gap between worlds.

Gazing out over the vibrant garden, an overwhelming sense of peace enveloped him. He understood now that every soul was on its own path toward awakening, and that the Heaven of Here was not just a destination, but a journey shared by all of creation.


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