Tag: meaning of life

  • The Poet’s Gift

    The Poet’s Gift

    Deep inside our lives, the Poet continually shapes our thoughts, words, and actions. Each person is gifted with an ongoing life poem that begins at birth and continues until their last breath.

  • Don’t tell me what you believe…

    I don’t want to know what you believe. I don’t care what your politics are Whether you believe in God Or if you have religion or not. Please don’t speak of What makes one person good and another evil Or your judgements about Who should love whom or What others should or should not do. Be done with your beliefs…

  • Searching versus Existing

    No chakras to open, chants to hum, or endless sermons to listen to.  No mantras to repeat over and over.  No scriptures to memorize or stories to believe, defend, and pointlessly argue about.  No clothes to buy, crosses or beads to wear.  No creeds to recite or ascended masters to know personally lest we die. No Gods to…

  • Comos upon Cosmos

    The Hubble telescope has transformed the way we humans see the universe. We knew it was large and expensive but none of us perceived the vastness and enormity of it all.  We are learning that there are billions of galaxies along with billions of individual stars within these galaxies.  The matter that makes up all of…