The Fundraiser

Last night

I went to a special fundraising dinner for Predisan—a medical missionary organization that helps to oversee more than 20 clinics for untold thousands of Hondurans who live in the high elevations far away from civilization. For most, these small clinics are the only source of available medical care. American churches have been good to send money and medical supplies to the clinics—but its only a drop in the bucket.

Here in the states

We complain about long wait-times necessary to see the right doctor or specialist; but that’s nothing compared to the years it may take for a Honduran family to get a simple medical appointment or procedure.

The stated purpose of the fundraiser

Was to raise money for a new Landrover Vehicle needed to travel across the rugged and mountainous terrain. The one they were using had more than 200,000 miles on it and had been raised from the dead so often that it was dubbed Lazarus. They needed to raise 40,000 to buy the new Landrover. But last night was more than raising money—it was about raising the awareness of haves about the have-nots.

The Haves and the Have-nots

As we wrote our checks, I couldn’t help but think that the food we were eating at this banquet was probably as much as many of the people Predisan serves might eat in a week. The banquet had festive little drinks with umbrellas and fresh fruit. There was a sumptuous meal with dessert and coffee served on lovely tables with floral centerpieces, table clothes and silverware. We dined in a beautiful facility and were entertained by two students who played the marimba. We wore our best clothes. The people Predisan serves don’t live this way.

I also wondered how it is that I can live in such a place with such technological benefits while people just a few thousand miles away live in abject poverty with few of the advantages that I enjoy. And I’m saddened by the thought that those who Havedon’t possess the collective willpower necessary to insure that everyone on this planet has a decent place to live, nutritious food to eat, medical treatment and education.

It was a lovely event and I think it did what it was supposed to do—raise money and awareness about the needs in Honduras. I left wondering if I-you-me-all of us are living the way we should when all of us have so much while others have so little.

When Jesus told the rich young ruler,

Go, and sell all the you have and give to the poor—then come and follow me, we read that he went away sorrowful—because he couldn’t do it. I suspect I’m not much different. I gave money—and I’m sure the other guests did as well. At least I heard that we raised 26,000 dollars. That will go a long way in helping to buy the car. But while the Hondurans need money for a car,I think we face as serious a problem. Will we send them the money and then forget all about them? What will the people who have do for the people who have-not?