Terra forming the ego personality

The new life, the new birth, and being born again is Source as it goes about extinguishing all previous fear-based ego conditioned responses and replacing it with new Source based ones.

When Source takes direct control of the mental and emotional states—the ego evaporates. Still, there are those conditioned responses that have been developed over long years and lifetimes to be extinguished.  The primary work of the newly awakened is to tame this remnant ego-personality and to place it in its rightful context of always affirming Source.

Now that Source is the predominating vibratory state, some of its first work is to reprogram the mental and emotional bodies (the two together form an ego-personality) through a disciplined and exacting process of mental affirmations and emotional visualizations. Simply put, the new life, the new birth, and being born again is Source extinguishing all previous fear-based ego  responses and replacing it with new Source based ones.

When the ego complains about not having enough money, attention, fame or respect—Source  affirms that IT (Source) provides all of these things and sends a soothing vibration in its place.  The conditioned responses of the ego will insist upon taking charge, doing something, or reacting as it has in the past to stave off some fear based outcome.  But as this happens, Source continues to affirm that is providing all that is needed and sending calming emotions to more fully anchor the response.

Though it takes some time, in rather short order, a new set of patterned mental and emotional responses begins to happen as life occurs.