What could possibly be more foolish than the Source placing a spark of Its Divine Self within each and every one of us? It seems almost incomprehensible, doesn’t it?
Hello. I’m David Lowry from Presence and Peace. If you don’t mind, please like and subscribe to these videos.
The Divine Spark Within Us
Let’s take a moment to reflect. Imagine the vast, infinite fullness of Divine perfection—pure love, wisdom, and truth—taking a fragment of Its very essence and embedding it into the heart of a human being. At first glance, this might seem like a ridiculous idea. Why? Because humans, me included, are deeply flawed beings. We are prone to mistakes, driven by selfish desires, and capable of causing immense suffering. All around us, the world bears witness to the darkest facets of human nature. People lie, cheat, steal, and even kill. Nations wage war over power and resources. Greed and ego run rampant as many strive to hoard wealth and status at the expense of others.
The Mystery and Wonder of the Divine Plan
So, could God truly be so foolish as to place a spark of the Divine within beings so flawed, so imperfect? It seems absurd, even reckless. Or is it? Might this be the kind of holy foolishness that carries a deeper wisdom?
This is where the mystery and wonder of the Divine plan reveal their brilliance. What if this seemingly foolish act is, in fact, the highest form of wisdom? What if this spark—this divine presence—within each of us is not merely a long-forgotten ember but a powerful transformative force? You and I—all of us—are part of a sacred secret, a divine strategy. We are God’s secret weapon. But unlike weapons that destroy, we are instruments of healing, creation, and boundless love.
Awakening to the Divine Presence
And when we awaken to this spark, we also start to live foolishly—not out of ignorance, but in a courageous and radical way. We become open to love when it seems naïve, to forgive when it appears unreasonable, and to give when it feels impractical. This represents the sacred foolishness of living with an open heart.
The truth is, we are awakening. Right now, humanity is stirring from its long slumber, and people everywhere are beginning to recognize the extraordinary power that has been within them all along. That spark of divinity is no longer dormant. It is a living, breathing force—a vibrant connection to the Source of All That Is. And as we awaken, we carry within us the most potent energy in existence: unconditional love.
Transforming the World with Love
Could it be that God’s so-called foolishness holds the key to transforming the world? Absolutely. We are called to embrace that same beautiful, foolish way of being. This love is not meant to be hoarded or hidden away; it is a gift intended to flow freely through us, reaching everyone and everything we encounter. Every thought, word, and action presents an opportunity to channel divine love into the world. Imagine the possibilities when we purposefully direct this love—toward people, places, circumstances, and even the wounds of the planet itself. The ripple effect of awakened hearts can change the course of history.
Living Foolishly and Beautifully
So, is God living foolishly by placing the Divine spark within us? Perhaps. But if it is foolishness, it is the kind that transforms the world—the kind that breaks through darkness with light, heals brokenness with compassion, and replaces fear with hope. It is the sacred foolishness of love.
When we live from this place, we, too, live foolishly—and beautifully so. We dare to defy fear and hatred with love. We choose to believe in hope when despair seems easier. We embody the kind of divine courage that the world so desperately needs. This is the power of the spark within us.
And you, dear soul, are a vital part of this divine adventure. The spark within you is ready to shine. Let us live boldly, love extravagantly, and be the presence of peace that the world so desperately needs. Let us all live foolishly—and watch as love transforms everything.
For Presence and Peace, I’m David Lowry. Please like and subscribe for more videos like this one.